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GovMetric Privacy Policy

GovMetric is a system for gathering customer feedback on the services an organisation or company provides with the aim of improving those services.
GovMetric is provided by ROL Solutions Ltd on behalf of the organisation or company using it.
This privacy policy explains how we use any personal information we collect about you when you use a website where GovMetric is installed or when you complete a GovMetric survey whether this is on a kiosk or tablet, on the telephone or on the web.

What information do we collect about you

​When you complete a GovMetric survey the answers and information you provide will be stored. 
The questions in a survey can be simple statistical questions such as ‘How do you rate our service today?’ with possible answers of Good, Average or Poor or they can involve more detailed typed or spoken answers such as contact details, post codes or comments.
When you are on a website that has GovMetric installed we also collect information about what pages you visit.

How will we use the information we collect
​Survey questions and answers

The answers you give to survey questions are available to the organisation using GovMetric to help them improve their services.
The answers to statistical questions are presented to the organisation in a variety of charts and reports that help them understand trends in customer satisfaction and the reasons for good or poor satisfaction. For example, if there is poor feedback for services delivered on the telephone at a particular time of day this could be traced to customers having a long wait to have their call answered.

​If questions are asked in a survey about age, ethnicity or other personal details then these are used to help understand if issues are affecting groups of customers for example if the elderly are having difficulty accessing certain services.
The answers to more detailed questions are presented to the organisation as a report on the answers to individual customer surveys. The organisation can search for surveys that give specific answers to statistical questions or are about specific services they offer.
The answers to detailed questions can help service improvement in a number of ways:
Contact details can help if the customer has an issue which the organisation could resolve if they wrote to, spoke to or emailed the customer directly.
Post codes can help with understanding issues which are very local within a community – a post code typically represents around 17 individual addresses and cannot normally identify an individual property. Post codes are sometimes combined with other data to help understand groups of local areas which have similar issues.
Comments can be very useful in understanding why particular answers have been given to other questions. For example, a poor rating of a service on its own is useful but doesn’t give any detail about the specific problem the customer had. However if there is a comment along with a poor rating that says “I waited too long for my call to be answered” then this immediately pinpoints the customer’s concern. 
All survey information provided by customers is only available to the organisation using GovMetric and is never passed to third parties. Some data which contains no information about individual customers or their survey responses is used for statistical purposes. 


Website page visits

​When you move around a website which has GovMetric installed we capture information about which pages you visit.
The information we capture includes your ‘IP address’ – this is the unique, though often temporary, identification of the device you are using to access the internet. In order to protect your privacy we encrypt your IP address as soon as we capture it so that it can no longer be used to identify you.



​No data collected by GovMetric is ever used for Marketing or Sales purposes and will never be passed to a third party.
The only organisation which will use contact information you provide is the organization using GovMetric.


Access to your information and correction

​You have the right to request a copy of any information that we hold about you. If you would like a copy of some, or all, of your personal information, please email or write to the contact details given below.
We want to make sure that your personal information is accurate and up to date. You may ask us to correct or remove information you think is inaccurate.



​GovMetric does not use any permanent or time limited cookies. Session based cookies are used only to manage the users connection to our servers and their survey session. 
For information about cookies visit or
You can set your browser not to accept cookies and the above websites tell you how to remove cookies from your browser.

Changes to our privacy policy

​We keep our privacy policy under regular review and we will place any updates on this web page. This privacy policy was last updated on 6th April 2018.

How to contact us

​If you have any concerns about the service provided by GovMetric or its use of your information then you may wish to contact either:

  • The organisation using the GovMetric system – you can identify this either from the location you visited if you complete a survey on a kiosk or tablet, the organization you called if you completed a survey on the telephone or from the website if you completed a survey on the web, either directly from the organisation’s website, their social media pages or from a service such as webchat.

  • ROL Solutions Ltd who provide and manage the service on behalf of the organisation.

By email to
By post to:
ROL Solutions Ltd
The King Centre
Main Road
LE15 7WD

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