This month, alongside our usual monthly book recommendation and sector news, we're excited to present the next three events where you can meet us live. Check them out below!
From the latest insights shared by the Housing Ombudsman to the exciting developments in our partnership with Westminster City Council, there's a lot to dive into.
Please take a moment to explore the most recent public sector highlights👇
📢Sector News
The Housing Ombudsman highlights failings from 8 landlords in a new approach to sharing learning. This report aims to pinpoint these failings across the range of issues the Ombudsman handle, and the learning the landlord involved has undertaken since determination, in order to help landlords answer a question: what would we have done differently?
Richard Blakeway, Housing Ombudsman, said: “It is important that vital learning is not lost because of the sheer volume of findings, and we urge everyone in social housing to read this, from frontline officers to those sitting around the board table. When you group these severe maladministration cases like we have, you can plainly see that complaints cannot be only seen as operational, but something that impacts every area of the business."
GovMetric Spotlight
Celebrating a successful partnership renewal
We are thrilled to welcome back Westminster City Council as a returning customer. The Council officially contracted with GovMetric for our CX product following a 6-month pilot period.
15 Years at GovMetric!
We have recently celebrated Keith Lever, our Customer Operations Manager and his incredible 15 years at GovMetric! Keith's commitment and hard work has been instrumental in shaping our success, and we are truly grateful to have him on our team!
🎫Meet us live (and online)!
Stay in the loop with the latest news from the public sector as we gear up to sponsor and participate in online and live events over the coming months!
24th of April: Effective Complaint Handling in Housing (Digital Conference)
24th of April: LocalGovCamp 4.0 Scotland (Glasgow)
16th of May: SLACS Annual Conference 2024 (Glasgow)
Find more events here.
Book Recommendation
John is a thought leader in helping organisations to study and understand customer demand. In this book, Seddon advocates for a shift towards a more customer-centric approach to management.
At the heart of Seddon's philosophy is the concept of understanding and meeting customer demand effectively. He emphasises the importance of identifying and addressing the root causes of failure demand. The book advocates for a paradigm shift away from traditional hierarchical structures towards more customer-focused approaches that prioritise continuous improvement and innovation.
If you would like to discover some of our Customer Stories, highlighting real-world customer experience transformations within the public sector, click below.
Karolis Duoba is the Marketing Manager at GovMetric, home of the leading Citizen Experience Management solution for the public sector.